Worker Roles

Hauler provides multiple Roles to best suit the type of Worker using the platform. These roles change the individual's permission level inside the system.

A Worker's Role will determine their ability to see certain information in the system.

Administrators can change a Worker's role via the Workers page.

Role Options

Hauler provides three Primary roles and two Hybrid Roles. A hybrid role allows for a user to have Office or Administrator privileges, and also serve as a Driver. This allows some Workers to help with the workload and have orders routed to them in the dispatch board, and retain their ability to use the full Hauler web application.

Primary Roles Hybrid Roles
Driver -
Office Office + Driver
Administrator Administrator + Driver

Driver Workers

Drivers are the lifeblood of Hauler, and have access to a specialized web & mobile application view. Most of your users will likely be Drivers, or a hybrid role that includes the Driver role.

Drivers can:

  • View, Start, and Update the jobs assigned to them,
  • View and adjust inventory at your Yards

Drivers cannot see pricing or an overview of the customer's account.

Admins can change the Team's settings to influence Driver behavior. These adjustable settings include:

  • Allow Drivers to "Cancel" a haul
  • Force Drivers to record the Dumpster's Name/Number when performing a Haul
  • Allow Drivers to dump from a list of completed, but not dumped, hauls
  • Record weight ticket numbers associated with a Haul

Administrators can enable or disable these settings under Company Details in the Admin section

Office Workers

The Office worker role is the second most common role in the team, useful for anyone who needs access to the majority of Hauler's features.

Office workers have create, read, and update privileges across Hauler's primary areas, including Dispatch, Hauls, Customers & Locations, Contacts, and Reports.

Office workers are unable to access the Admin section.

Administrator Workers

Administrator workers have the privileges of Office workers, with the added capability of adjusting your Team settings, Pricing, Integrations, and Workers via the Admin area.

Specifically, Admins can:

  • Adjust the Company Details for your Team, such as name, address, email, and phone number.
  • Manage Facilities, such as Shops, Yards, and common Dump sites
  • Manage Workers
  • Manage your Dumpster types and the quantity of those dumpsters
  • Adjust the Team's Size-Dependent pricing and Additional Fees, including geographic based price adjustments or customer-specific pricing adjustments
  • Change your default messages sent via Email and SMS when Hauls are booked by the Office or started by a Driver
  • Manage Integrations with Hauler, such as Quickbooks Online