Add Facilities

Hauler helps manage various types of facilities, each with specific functionalities, including Yards, Shops, and Dump sites.

Only Administrator users can adjust your Facilities.

A video walkthrough of this guide is available:

To add your Facilities, head to the Admin section and select Facilities, then "Add Facility".

A Facility requires a Name, Type, and Address.

The more detail you enter into Hauler, the more value you will receive from Hauler as new features in the future will build on the addresses of these Facilities.

The facilities page under the Admin section

Facility Name

We recommend giving your Facility a name commonly known by your team members. You can edit the Name at any time.

Facility Types

  1. Yard (YARD ): Yards are pivotal for inventory tracking. They manage the stock of dumpsters and are critical for efficient allocation and deployment.
  2. Shop (SHOP ): These facilities are essential for maintenance and storage of equipment. Useful for drivers and dispatchers for logistical planning.
  3. Dump (DUMP ): These facilities are designated waste disposal areas, including transfer stations, material recovery facilities (MRFs), or landfills. They are crucial for route planning and operational efficiency.

Facility Address

The address tied to your facility will be shown to Workers on your Map view. We recommend picking an address that is appropriate for directions in the event a driver wants to quickly get directions to any particular facility.

Key Functionalities

  • Facility Management: Allows adding and updating facility details, including name and type.
  • Address Association: Each facility can have an associated address for accurate location mapping.
  • Dumpster Association: Yards can have dumpsters linked to them, enabling efficient asset management.