Set Your Company Details

Hauler's Company Details section gives you a central place to manage your company's information and control critical workflow settings.

What you'll learn:

  1. How Company Details are used
  2. Important settings that will impact your Hauler workflow

A video walkthrough of this guide is available:

Company Details

Set your company's primary contact details in this section.

Name: The legal name of the company

Address: Your physical address. This may be the same address as one of your Facilities, which we'll setup next.

Timezone: The timezone in which all dates should be shown.

Email: Your primary company email address. This will be the default for messages sent by Hauler, but can be overridden if needed.

Company Configurations

Drivers can cancel hauls

What This Does

  • Allows your Drivers to "Cancel" a Haul that is assigned to them.

Recommended Use Case(s)

We recommend you keep this setting Off , unless your needs are such that Drivers need to be able to do this without input from Office or Administrative users.

Record dumpster names

What This Does

  • Allows Drivers to set a name or number for a dumpster.
  • Drivers will be unable to start a Haul unless the dumpster name is entered (for Deliver or Swap hauls), or set (for Pickup or Round Trip hauls)
  • Office and Administrative users can see the dumpster name or number in various parts of the system

Recommended Use Case(s)

We recommend you have this setting On

Drivers can dump from a list of completed, not dumped hauls

What This Does

This setting presumes that, from time to time, you have containers that were removed from a customer site, but have not been emptied yet. These containers may be full sitting in a yard.

  • Drivers, via the web or mobile apps, have access to a new tab called "Not Dumped"
  • This list is populated with containers that are in the "[Haul] Completed, but [Contents] not Dumped" status
  • Drivers can select a record and haul the contents to a Dump site, which will remove this record from the list.

Recommended Use Case(s)

We recommend you have this setting On and train your Drivers on its appropriate use inside your business workflow.

Record weight ticket numbers

What This Does

  • Gives all users, including Drivers, the ability to enter an additional field for a weight ticket number as part of the default haul workflow (container weight values are always available).

Recommended Use Case(s)

We recommend you have this setting On